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IELTS Vocabulary: Writing Task 2

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Memiliki kosa kata yang luas dapat membantu kita memahami teks dalam bahasa Inggris lebih cepat dan menulis esai dengan mudah. Berikut adalah beberapa vocabulary atau kosa kata yang sering digunakan pada IELTS Writing Task 2!



  1. Many/some people claim/opine/believe that…
  2. There is no denying that…
  3. It is often said that…
  4. These days…/ Nowadays…/ In this day and age…
  5. It goes without saying that…
  6. It is universally accepted that…We live in an age when many of us are…
  7. People are divided in their opinion regarding…
  8. …. is one of the most important issues…
  9. Whether …. or …. is a controversial issue…



  1. Let us examine both views before reaching a concrete decision.
  2. The following paragraphs discuss whether …… or …… and reach a reasonable conclusion.
  3. The following essay takes a look at both sides of the argument.
  4. My two cents go for…
  5. However, I strongly believe that…
  6. I oppose the view and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
  7. I will support this view with arguments in the following paragraphs.
  8. I personally believe that…
  9. Thus the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages…
  10. I wholeheartedly believe that this trend should be changed.


Stating Opinion

  1. In my opinion…
  2. I strongly opine that…
  3. I strongly agree with the idea that…
  4. I strongly disagree with the given topic…
  5. I think…
  6. My opinion is that…
  7. Personally speaking…
  8. In my view…
  9. I believe…
  10. Apparently…
  11. Personally speaking…
  12. According to me…
  13. From my point of view… (Not ‘In my point of view’)
  14. As far as I am concerned…
  15. From my perspective…
  16. I realise…
  17. To my way of thinking…
  18. It seems to me that…
  19. To me…
  20. To my mind…
  21. My own view on the matter is…
  22. It appears that…
  23. I feel that…
  24. I understand…
  25. I suppose…


Show Contrast

  1. On the other hand…
  2. On the contrary…
  3. However…
  4. Nevertheless…/ Nonetheless…
  5. But…
  6. Nonetheless/ Nevertheless…
  7. Oppositely…
  8. Alternatively…
  9. Unlike…
  10. While…
  11. Whilst…
  12. Although…
  13. Though…
  14. Even though…
  15. Despite… / In spite of…
  16. In spite of the fact that…
  17. Alternatively…
  18. In contrast to this…
  19. Then again…
  20. On the other hand…
  21. Despite the fact that…
  22. Even so…
  23. Yet…
  24. Meanwhile…



  1. In conclusion…
  2. In summary…
  3. To conclude…
  4. To conclude with…
  5. In closing…
  6. To sum up…
  7. In general…
  8. To summarise…
  9. In short…
  10. All in all…
  11. Overall…
  12. On the whole…
  13. To draw the conclusion…
  14. Given these points…
  15. Ultimately…
  16. In a nutshell…
  17. To elucidate…(‘To elucidate’ means – ‘make something clear’ or ‘to explain’.)
  18. All things considered…
  19. By and large…
  20. Taking everything into consideration…
  21. Taking everything into account…
  22. In light of these arguments…
  23. Weighing up both sides of the argument…


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IELTS Mentor. Vocabulary for IELTS Academic Writing Task 2

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