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IELTS Live Class (Promo)

IELTS Weekend Class (Promo)

Sibuk sekolah atau bekerja di hari Senin-Jumat kini tak lagi menjadi kendala mempersiapkan IELTS. IELTS Weekend Class dirancang dengan materi yang padat dan terstruktur untuk membantu kamu belajar secara optimal. Kelas dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 kali per pekan selama satu bulan. Kamu juga bisa dapat kelas pengayaan hingga 10 jam kalau kamu akan tes IELTS.

  • 8 meetings (one month)
  • Highly qualified tutor
  • Comprehensive curriculum
  • Free e-book
  • Free personal feedback
  • Free IELTS Prediction Test 2x
  • Free extra class up to 10 hours*
  • Free scholarship preparation (pick one: review CV/Motivation Letter/Interview Practice)
  • Flexible schedule
  • Exclusive only 10 students/class

Day Date Session Topics
Min 2/3 Morning Listening 1: Form Completion, Notes Completion
Reading 1: Identifying information, Table completion, Sentence completion, Notes completion
Afternoon Writing 1: Task 1 (data diagram)
Speaking 1: Part 1
Sab 8/3 Morning Writing 1: Task 1 (data diagram)
Speaking 1: Part 1
Afternoon Listening 1: Form Completion, Notes Completion
Reading 1: Identifying information, Table completion, Sentence completion, Notes completion
Min 9/3 Morning Listening 2: Multiple choice, Matching information
Reading 2: Summary Completion, Matching Headings, Multiple Choice, Matching Paragraphs
Afternoon Writing 2: Task 1 (non-data diagram)
Speaking 2: Part 2
Sab 15/3 Morning Writing 2: Task 1 (non-data diagram)
Speaking 2: Part 2
Afternoon Listening 2: Multiple choice, Matching information
Reading 2: Summary Completion, Matching Headings, Multiple Choice, Matching Paragraphs
Min 16/3 Morning Listening 3: Flowchart completion, Table completion, Maps labelling
Reading 3: Identifying View, Matching Information, Matching Sentence Endings, Diagram Labelling
Afternoon Writing 3: Task 2 (opinion-led and argument discussion essay)
Speaking 3: Part 3
Sab 22/3 Morning Writing 3: Task 2 (opinion-led and argument discussion essay)
Speaking 3: Part 3
Afternoon Listening 3: Flowchart completion, Table completion, Maps labelling
Reading 3: Identifying View, Matching Information, Matching Sentence Endings, Diagram Labelling
Min 23/3 Morning Listening 4: Full practice
Reading 4: Full practice
Afternoon Writing 4: Task 2 (issue discussion and two-parts questions)
Speaking 4: Full practice (post-test)
Sab 29/3 Morning Writing 4: Task 2 (issue discussion and two-parts questions)
Speaking 4: Full practice (post-test)
Afternoon Listening 4: Full practice
Reading 4: Full practice

Best Price

Rp 3.499.000

Rp 2.299.000

Hemat Rp 1,2jt

Metode Belajar

  • Gratis placement test untuk menentukan pembagian kelas berdasarkan level kemampuan siswa.
  • Kelas yang eksklusif dibimbing langsung oleh tutor yang suportif
  • Akses rekaman kelas hingga 2 bulan
  • Materi dan latihan soal terbaru dan terlengkap
  • Personalized feedback bagi setiap peserta 
  • Lacak perkembangan belajarmu melalui prediction test di awal dan akhir program
IELTS Live Class

Program Terbaik Lainnya

Rp3.399.000 Rp2.399.000

IELTS Weekend Class

  • 1 Bulan
Rp2.299.000 Rp1.599.000

IELTS Writing - Speaking

  • 1 Bulan
Rp2.099.000 Rp1.039.000

IELTS Listening - Reading

  • 1 Bulan
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