Upgrade Your English: Stop Using “Very”!

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Menggunakan kata yang sama seperti “very”  dapat membuat tulisan kita terlihat membosankan. Selain kemampuan menulis dan pemahaman grammar yang baik, pilihan kata juga penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris-mu! Salah satunya dengan mengganti kata very dengan kata-kata alternatif lain yang lebih advanced dan specific.

Berikut ini beberapa alternatif lain yang bisa kamu gunakan selain “very”!


Words to Use Instead of Very

credit: unsplash.

Very accurate Exact
Very afraid Terrified
Very afraid Fearful
Very angry Furious
Very bad Atrocious
Very beautiful Exquisite
Very big Immense
Very boring Dull
Very brave Courageous
Very bright Luminous
Very busy Overloaded
Very calm Serene
Very careful Cautious
Very charmed Mesmerized
Very cheap Stingy
Very clean Spotless
Very clever Brilliant
Very cold Freezing
Very colorful Vibrant
Very compete Comprehensive
Very competitive Cutthroat
Very confused Perplexed
Very conventional Conservative
Very core Gist
Very creative Innovative
Very crowded Bustling
Very cute Adorable
Very dangerous Threatening
Very dark Lightless
Very dear Cherished
Very deep Profound
Very depressed Despondent
Very detailed Meticulous
Very different Disparate
Very difficult Challenging
Very disagreeable Obnoxious
Very distressing Dreadful
Very dry Parched
Very dull Tedious
Very eager Keen
Very easy Smooth
Very empty Desolate
Very empty Desolate
Very evil Wicked
Very excited Thrilled
Very exciting Exhilarating
Very expensive Costly
Very fancy Lavish
Very far away Distant
Very fast Quick
Very fat Obese
Very fierce Relentless
Very fond Attached
Very fortunate Blessed
Very friendly Affectionate
Very funny Hilarious
Very glad Overjoyed
Very good Excellent
Very gracefully Lithely
Very great Terrific
Very greedy Impatient
Very happy Ecstatic
Very hard Difficult
Very hard to find Rare
Very high Soaring
Very huge Colossal
Very humble Courteous
Very hungry Starving
Very hurt Battered/crushed
Very important Crucial
Very inexpensive Cheap
Very interesting Fascinating
Very jolly Carefree
Very kind Considerate
Very large Huge
Very lazy Indolent
Very light Luminous
Very limited Finite
Very little Tiny
Very lively Animated
Very long Extensive
Very long-term Enduring
Very loose Slack
Very loud Deafening
Very loved Adored
Very lovely Stunning
Very mean Cruel
Very messy Slovenly
Very much Enough
Very neat Immaculate
Very necessary Essential
Very nervous Apprehensive
Very nice Kind
Very noisy Deafening
Very numerous Diverse
Very often Frequently
Very old Ancient
Very open Transparent
Very painful Excruciating
Very pale Ashen
Very perfect Flawless
Very pleasant Amiable
Very powerful Compelling
Very pretty Beautiful
Very protective Defensive
Very proud Honored
Very quick Rapid
Very quiet Silent
Very rainy Pouring
Very rainy Drizzly
Very realistic Practical
Very rich Wealthy
Very risky Perilous
Very roomy Spacious
Very sad Sorrowful
Very scared Petrified
Very serious Grave
Very sharp Keen
Very shiny Gleaming
Very short Brief
Very shy Timid
Very simple Basic
Very skinny Skeletal
Very sleepy Lethargic
Very slow Sluggish
Very smart Intelligent
Very smelly Pungent
Very smooth Sleek
Very soft Downy
Very sorry Apologetic
Very special Exceptional
Very strong Unyielding
Very stupid Idiotic
Very sure Certain
Very talented Gifted
Very tall Towering
Very tasty Delicious
Very thin Gaunt
Very tight Constricting
Very tired Exhausted
Very ugly Hideous
Very unhappy Miserable
Very upset Distraught
Very valuable Precious
Very warm Hot
Very weak Frail
Very well-to-do Wealthy
Very wet Soaked
Very wicked Villainous
Very willing Eager
Very windy Blustery
Very wise Sagacious
Very wise Sage
Very worried Distressed
Very accurate Exact
Very afraid Fearful
Very angry Furious
Very bad Awful
Very beautiful Gorgeous
Very big Massive
Very boring Dull
Very bright Luminous
Very busy Swamped
Very calm Serene
Very careful Cautious
Very cheap Stingy
Very clean Spotless
Very clear Obvious
Very clever Intelligent
Very cold Freezing
Very colorful Vibrant
Very confused Perplexed
Very creative Innovative
Very crowded Bustling
Very cute Adorable
Very dear Cherished
Very deep Profound
Very difficult Arduous
Very dirty Filthy
Very dry Arid
Very dull Tedious
Very eager Keen
Very easy Effortless
Very empty Desolate
Very evil Wicked
Very excited Thrilled
Very exciting Exhilarating
Very expensive Costly
Very fancy Lavish
Very fast Quick
Very fat Obese
Very fierce Ferocious
Very friendly Amiable
Very funny Hilarious
Very glad Overjoyed
Very good Excellent
Very great Terrific
Very happy Ecstatic
Very hard Difficult
Very heavy Leaden
Very huge Colossal
Very hungry Starving
Very hurt Battered
Very large Huge
Very lazy Indolent
Very light Luminous
Very little Tiny
Very lively Animated
Very long Extensive
Very loose Slack
Very lovely Adorable
Very mean Cruel
Very messy Slovenly
Very nice Kind
Very noisy Deafening
Very often Frequently
Very old Ancient
Very open Transparent
Very pale Ashen
Very perfect Flawless
Very poor Destitute
Very powerful Compelling
Very pretty Beautiful
Very quick Rapid
Very quiet Hushed
Very rainy Pouring
Very rich Wealthy
Very sad Sorrowful
Very scared Petrified
Very scary Chilling
Very serious Grave
Very sharp Keen
Very shiny Gleaming
Very short Brief
Very shy Timid
Very simple Basic
Very skinny Skeletal
Very slow Sluggish
Very small Petite
Very smart Intelligent
Very smooth Sleek
Very soft Downy
Very sorry Apologetic
Very special Exceptional
Very strong Forceful
Very stupid Idiotic
Very sure Certain
Very sweet Thoughtful
Very talented Gifted
Very tall Towering
Very tasty Delicious
Very thirsty Parched
Very tight Constricting
Very tiny Minuscule
Very tired Exhausted
Very ugly Hideous
Very upset Distraught
Very warm Hot
Very weak Frail
Very wet Soaked
Very wide Expansive
Very willing Eager
Very windy Blustery
Very wise Sage
Very worried Distressed


Nah, kalau di IELTSpresso, sobat tidak perlu pusing dan lagi karena sudah ada tutor-tutor yang siap membantu kalian semua belajar bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, kamu juga akan mendapatkan banyak sekali benefit seperti pre-test, post test, pendalaman materi, pembahasan bank soal, hingga feedback dari tutor-tutor berpengalaman!

Gimana, tertarik untuk belajar bareng tutor-tutor dari IELTSpresso?

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, cek kelas persiapannya di sini yaa!

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250+ Other Words to Use Instead of Very

Photo by Unsplash.

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