
IELTS Live Class (Bundling IELTS Test)

IELTS Superintensive Program


Program bimbingan persiapan IELTS yang paling cocok buat Sobat yang punya target tes dalam waktu dekat. Semua hal-hal yang perlu kamu tau tentang soal IELTS dan bagaimana strategi terbaik menghadapinya ada di sini, Sob. Semua materi dilahap dalam 1 bulan. Bonus kelas pengayaan hingga 10 jam bila kamu akan tes IELTS. Selain itu, kamu tidak perlu repot mendaftar tes IELTS, karena akan dibantu oleh tim kami, tentunya dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau.


  • Pre-Test
  • Listening: Introduction, General tips, in-depth understanding Form completion, Notes completion, Practice
  • Speaking: Introduction to IELTS Speaking, Practice
  • Reading: Introduction, Identifying information, Table completion, Sentence completion, Notes completion, Practice
  • Writing: Introduction to Task 1 and Task 2, Paraphrasing
  • Listening: In-depth understanding Multiple choice, Matching information, Practice
  • Speaking: In-depth understanding Strategy for Part 1, 2 , and 3, Practice
  • Reading: In-depth understanding Summary Completion, Matching Headings, Multiple Choice, Matching Paragraphs Practice
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 1 (data diagram), Practice
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 1 (non-data diagram), Practice
  • Listening: In-depth understanding Flowchart completion, Table completion, Maps labelling, Practice
  • Speaking: Full Practice & Discussion
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 2 (opinion-led and argument discussion), Practice
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 2 (issue discussion and two-part questions), Practice
  • Listening: Full Practice & Discussion
  • Speaking: Full Practice & Discussion
  • Reading: In-depth understanding Identifying View, Matching Information, Matching Sentence Endings, Diagram Labelling, Practice
  • Writing: Practice Task 1 and Task 2
  • Writing: Practice Task 1 and Task 2
  • Post-test

Jadwal kelas

Tiap Senin sd Jumat

08.00-10.00 | 10.15-12.15 | 12.30-14.30 | 14.45-16.45 | 19.30-21.30 (pilih salah satu)

Jadwal kelas dapat diunduh di sini.

ielts test

  • IELTS Test diselenggarakan oleh lembaga tes resmi seperti British Council, IDP, IALF.
  • Tidak ada maksimal batas waktu tanggal tes yang dapat dipilih. 


Rp 5.999.000

Rp 4.999.000

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