
Tutor IELTSpresso

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Tutor IELTSpresso

Dedy Safrizal

Master of TESOL, University of Birmingham | Awardee LPDP

Andrias Tri Susanto

PhD Candidate at Iowa State University | Awardee Fulbright

Glorifi Fatima Merciana Bau

Master of TESOL, University of Sidney Alumna | Awardee LPDP

Robby Anggriawan

PhD Candidate at Illinois State University | Awardee Fulbright

Aulia Putri Sriewardani

MSc Candidate at University of Szeged | Awardee Stipendium Hungaricum


Master of Education, Queens University of Belfast | Awardee LPDP

Berli Arta

Master of TESOL, Monash University | Awardee LPDP

Choirul Anwar

Master of Art, The Ohio State University | Awardee LPDP

Scholarship Advisor

Alfi Nurfita Chasanah

Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University | ADB-JSP Awardee

Meivita Ika Nursanti

Master in Creative Industry, Queensland University of Technology Alumna | LPDP Awardee

Lisa Rosanty

MSc in Sustainable Development, KU Leuven Belgium | VLIR UOS Awardee
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