
IELTS Bootcamp

IELTS Writing Speaking Program


Program partial buat Sobat yang mau belajar Writing & Speaking dalam IELTS terlebih dahulu. Cocok juga buat kamu yang ingin memperkuat pemahaman Writing & Speaking IELTS.


  • Pre-test 
  • Pre-Test Answer Discussion
  • Speaking: Introduction to IELTS Speaking, Practice
  • Writing: Introduction to Task 1 and Task 2, Paraphrasing
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 1 (data diagram), Practice
  • Speaking: In-depth understanding Strategy for Part 1, 2 , and 3, Practice
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 1 (non-data diagram), Practice
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 2 (opinion-led and argument discussion), Practice
  • Writing: In-depth understanding Task 2 (issue discussion and two-part questions), Practice
  • Writing: Practice Task 1 and Task 2
  • Speaking: Full Practice & Discussion (post-test)
  • Writing: Practice Task 1 and Task 2
  • Post-test

Jadwal kelas

Tiap Senin, Rabu dan Jumat 

08.00-10.00 | 10.15-12.15 | 12.30-14.30 | 14.45-16.45 | 19.30-21.30 (pilih salah satu)

Jadwal kelas dapat diunduh di sini.


Rp 1.899.000

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