Penggunaan Idiom dalam IELTS Speaking test bisa jadi nilai plus untuk meningkatkan skor kamu lho! Semakin banyak idiom yang kamu ketahui dan gunakan, maka semakin luas penggunaan kalimat yang kamu punya sehingga nilai IELTS kamu bisa semakin tinggi.
Apa itu Idiom?
Idiom adalah suatu ungkapan atau ungkapan yang umumnya mempunyai makna non-harfiah – maknanya tidak dapat langsung dipahami dengan membaca setiap kata. Misalnya, ketika kita sangat senang karena mendapat nilai sempurna saat ujian, kita bisa mengatakan: “I was over the moon when I saw my results“.
Jika kita melihat arti harfiah (asli) dari kata-kata ini, kita berpikir tentang melihat ke bulan di langit di balik bintang-bintang! Namun, makna idiomatis dari frasa ini berkaitan dengan kebahagiaan – “I was very happy when I saw my result. – Saya sangat senang saat melihat hasilnya.”
25 Idioms untuk IELTS Speaking
- In the red: To owe money, to not have money
- Sorry, I can’t afford it, I’m in the red.
- Give someone the green light: To give permission
- I was given the green light to start this new project
- A white lie: To tell a lie that is not very serious
- I don’t think you should get in trouble for telling a white lie.
- Green with envy: To be jealous/envious
- She was green with envy when she saw my diamond ring.
- Day and night: Continually working without stopping
- I was studying day and night for my IELTS test.
- Drop out: To leave without finishing
- She dropped out of the course because it was too hard.
- Learn by heart: To memorise
- I learned all my idioms by heart.
- Pass with flying colours: To pass a test with a high grade
- I really hope I pass with flying colours.
- Bookworm: Someone who reads a lot
- When I was younger, I was a bookworm, I just loved reading.
- Brought up: Raised/developed
- I was brought up in the country.
- Child’s play: Very easy to do
- Learning how to play a guitar was child’s play, I could do it easily.
- Like a kid in a candy store: Very excited about something
- When I arrived in the city I was like a kid in a candy store, there was so much to see and do.
- To follow in someone’s footsteps :To achieve the same things that someone else did
- I followed in my mother’s footsteps and became a teacher.
- To run in the family: Qualities that are similar in family members
- We are all good at maths, it runs in the family.
- Under the weather: Feeling unwell I’m feeling a bit under the weather.
- I hope I don’t have COVID.
- As sick as a dog: Feeling very ill
- I was as sick as a dog last night.
- On the mend: Recovering, getting better
- My mother was very sick but now she’s on the mend.
- Kick the bucket: To die
- My father was so sick I thought he might kick the bucket
- To show promise: To indicate possible success
- The new vaccine is showing promise.
- Practice makes perfect: To continuously improve by practising
- My teacher said that practice makes perfect, so I need to practise more.
- Break a leg: To wish someone good luck
- I hope you do really well, break a leg!
- Driving me up the wall: Something that annoys you
- Waiting for my results is really driving me up the wall.
- Better late than never: It’s better to do something late than not to try it
- I didn’t know how to drive till I was 30, but better late than never.
- Blind as a bat: Can’t see, bad eyesight
- I’m as blind as a bat, I really need my reading glasses.
- On top of the world: Feeling amazing, wonderful, ecstatic
- When I look at my absolute favourite piece of art, I feel inspired and on top of the world.
Nah, kalau di IELTSpresso, sobat tidak perlu pusing dan lagi karena sudah ada tutor-tutor yang siap membantu kalian semua untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik pada ujian IELTS nanti. Selain itu, kamu juga akan mendapatkan banyak sekali benefit seperti pre-test, post test, pendalaman materi, pembahasan bank soal, hingga feedback dari tutor-tutor berpengalaman!
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